F.A.Q. Conditioning Plant Materials
ALLIUM – Add a few drops of Bleach to the water to eliminate the onion smell.
ALSTROEMERIA – Remove as much foliage as possible, place in warm water.
AMARANTH – Remove foliage below water line and cut stem underwater
ANEMONE – Cut stem underwater…if stem begins to droop, dip end into alcohol for several seconds and return to water
ANTHERIUM – Cut stem underwater
BABY'S BREATH - (Gypsophila) Add a few drops of bleach to the water to keep fresh
BALLOON FLOWER - (Platycodon) Sear cut ends with a flame and place in cool water
BEE BOMB - (Monarda) Place cut stems in warm water
BELLS OF IRELAND - (Molucella) Remove all leaves, cut on an angle and place in warm water
BUTTERFLY BUSH (Buddelia) - Condition in very warm water...repeat as needed
CALADIUM - Cut underwater, add wire support to stem if needed, and place in very warm water if necessary.
CAMELLIA - Hammer woody stem at the base and place in warm water.
CAMPANULA - Cut stem underwater and place in warm water to harden off. Remove past flower to encourage new buds to open.
CANTEBURRY BELLS - (Campanula) Sear cut end with a flame and place in warm water.
CARNATION - Cut stem between the nodes and place in warm water to allow it to open fully.
CHRYSANTHEMUM - Remove most foliage. Break stems ends and place in room temperature water to harden off.
CLEMATIS - Sear the ends of the stems, allow to stand in warm water 2-3 hours and do not allow petals to get wet.
DAHLIA – Place stems in very hot water for 20 seconds while protecting the flower heads from any hot steam. Immediately plunge stems into cool water.
DELPHINIUM - Cut stems on an angle, place in warm water and let sit over night.
DIANTHUS - Cut the stems between the nodes and place in warm water. Let them sit for several hours.
DOGWOOD - Crush woody stems with a hammer, place in warm water and let sit overnight to harden off.
DUSTY MILLER - Place stems in very hot water for 20 seconds and them plunge into cold water and allow them to sit for 3-4 hours to harden off.
ERYNGIUM - Sea Holly, Hammer as for woody stems and place in warm water.
EUCALYPTUS - Hammer as for woody stems and place in warm water.
EUPHORBIA - Cushion Spurge, Poinsettia, These plants have milky sap. Remove excess leaves and sear ends with a flame, place in room temp water.
FERN – Submerge in cool water
FEVERFEW – Chrysanthemum, Cut under water and let rest in warm water
FLOWERING WOODY BRANCHES – Smash ends of the branch with a hammer and place stems in warm water for several hours
FOX GLOVE – Cut underwater and let sit in room temp water over night
FREESIA – Cut underwater and then place in a container of room temp water in a cool location overnight
GARDENIA – Clean foliage and refrigerate leaves and flowers in a sealed plastic bag.
GLADIOLUS– Clean off dead bloom, cot under water and place in room temp water.
GLOBE THISTLE – Hammer woody ends and place in warm water
GRASSES – Condition and harden in a solution of 1T White Vinegar to 1 Qt. Water
HEATHER - Hammer woody stems and allow to harden in tepid water for several hours.
HELIOPSIS - Cut under water and harden off warm water for 3-4 hours.
HOLLY - Cut Holly and keep in a cool dry area. Do not place in water as leaves will tend to fall off.
HOLLYHOCK - Split ends of the Hollyhock, make sure that blooms and foliage are protected from the heat and steam, and then place in boiling water for about 15 seconds...immediately plunge into cool water and allow the stems to harden off in a dark room for at least 24 hours.
HOSTA - Submerge the entire leaf under water and allow it to stay for several hours.
IRIS - Cut stems under water and harden off in warm water.
IVY - (Hedera) Split or hammer woody stems. Submerge in water overnight.
JASMINE - Dunk stems in 1 inch of boiling water follow immediately by a cool water and allow to harden off
LADY’S MANTLE - Place freshly cut stems in room temp water and allow to sit for 2-4 hours
LARKSPUR - Place stems in a solution of 1 TBSP of alcohol per quart of water
LAMB’S EARS - Place in room temp water and let sit for 2-4 hours. Do not put any foliage underwater…trim accordingly
LENTEN ROSE - (Helleborus) Sear stem ends in boiling water and immediately place in a cool water bath over night
LIATRUS - Dunk ends into boiling water immediately followed by a cool water bath overnight
LILAC - Stems should be cut from the bush before they are fully opened 75% still in bud. Trim all foliage off. Hammer the ends of the stems and place in warm water and allow to rest over night.
MAGNOLIA - Hammer stems and allow to harden in warm water with flower food for 3-4 hours.
MARIGOLD - Tagetes Remove most foliage and all foliage below the water line. Place stems in room temp water with flower food for several hours.
MOCK ORANGE - Strip foliage and crush the woody stems. Allow to harden for several hours in room temp water with flower food.
MONKSHOOD - Allow stems to sit in room temp water with flower food for 3-4 hours
NASTURTIUM -Cut ends and place in warm water with Cut Flower Preservatives
NERINE - Cut ends and place in room temp water with Preservatives over night..
NICOTIANA – Cut ends and place in warm water with Preservatives
NIGELLA – Remove most foliage and place in room temp water with preservatives for several hours.
ORCHIDS - Cut stems on an angle and place in warm water and allow to stand for at least three hours.
PEONY - Cut buds when flower color begins to show. Remove all excess foliage. Place in warm water for at least three hours.
PHLOX - Crush the cut stems with a hammer or the clipper ends. Place in warm water and let stand for at least four hours.
PHYSOTEGIA - Cut stems at an angle and place in room temp water for three hours.
POINTSETTIA - Cut ends on an angle and sear with a flame to stop the flow of the milky sap. Place in tepid water and let stand for three hours.
POPPY - Cut ends on an angle and sear with a flame to stop the flow of the milky sap. Place in tepid water and let stand for three hours.
PRIMROSE - Cut stems and place in tepid water for three hours.
PROTEA - Split stems or hammer ends. Place in warm water for at least three hours.
PUSSY WILLOW - Hammer woody ends and place in tepid water. Stems may be dried to stop the growth of the catkins.
PYRACANTHA - Hammer woody ends and place in warm water for at least three hours.
QUEEN ANNE’S LACE - (Daucus carota) - Protect flower heads with paper to avoid wilting. Place stems in 1 inch of boiling water for 15 seconds and then immediately plunge into cool water. Allow the stems to sit in room temp water for several more hours.
RANUNCULUS - Remove all excess foliage and place in boiling water…follow steps for Queen Anne’s Lace (above).
RHODODENDRON - Crush woody stems with a hammer and place in very warm water to harden off for several hours.
ROSE - Remove all excess leaves and thorns. Cut stem on a sharp angle and place in warm water with flower preservatives and allow to harden off.
RUDBECKIA - (Coneflower, Black Eyed-Susan) Use Boiling water method as described for Queen Anne’s Lace flowers.
SALVIA – Remove most foliage and place in tepid water for several hours.
SCABIOSA – Remove foliage under the water line and let harden off by placing in warm water for several hours.
SEDUM – (Autumn Joy) Remove foliage from below the water line and allow to sit in tepid water for several hours.
SHASTA DAISY – (Chrysanthemum) Sear ends and then place in cool water.
SNAPDRAGON – Strip off all foliage below the water line. Ends may be split then place in warm water to harden off.
STAR of BETHLEHEM - (Ornithogalum) Place satems in deep warm water and allow to open.
STOCK – (Matthiola) Remove all excess foliage, crush stems and place in water with 1 tsp. bleach per gallon of water.
SUNFLOWER – Cut stems on an angle to expose more surface area nad place in deep warm water to harden off.
SWEET PEA – Remove foliage from under the waterline and place in tepid water for several hours.
SWEET WILLIAM – Remove excessive foliage. Crush stems and place in warm water for several hours.
SYRINGA – (Lilac) Remove most foliage. Hammer stem ends. Place in very warm water for 3-4 hours.
TANSY - Remove all excess foliage below the water line. Plunge stem ends into boiling water for 15 seconds and them plunge into cool water and allow to harden off for several hours.
THISTLE - Remove all excess foliage below the water line. Plunge stem ends into boiling water for 15 seconds and them plunge into cool water and allow to harden off for several hours.
TULIP - Cut off white stem ends. Wrap stems in newspaper to keep upright and allow to sit in tepid water for several hours.
VERBENA - Split stems and insert into boiling water for 10 seconds followed by a cool water bath. Allow to harden off over night.
VERONICA - (Speedwell) Allow to sit in tepid water overnight to harden off.
VIBURNUM - Crush woody stems with a hammer and allow to harden off in warm water for 3-4 hours.
WISTERIA - When cutting blooms...cut some woody stem growth. Put stem in alcohol for 5 seconds and allow to harden off in room temp water over night.
YARROW - Break stem ends and allow to harden off over night in room temp water.
YUCCA - Use boiling water followed by a cool water bath and allow to harden off over night.
ZINNIA - Remove all excess foliage and allow to harden off overnight. Re-cut ends before arranging.
ALSTROEMERIA – Remove as much foliage as possible, place in warm water.
AMARANTH – Remove foliage below water line and cut stem underwater
ANEMONE – Cut stem underwater…if stem begins to droop, dip end into alcohol for several seconds and return to water
ANTHERIUM – Cut stem underwater
BABY'S BREATH - (Gypsophila) Add a few drops of bleach to the water to keep fresh
BALLOON FLOWER - (Platycodon) Sear cut ends with a flame and place in cool water
BEE BOMB - (Monarda) Place cut stems in warm water
BELLS OF IRELAND - (Molucella) Remove all leaves, cut on an angle and place in warm water
BUTTERFLY BUSH (Buddelia) - Condition in very warm water...repeat as needed
CALADIUM - Cut underwater, add wire support to stem if needed, and place in very warm water if necessary.
CAMELLIA - Hammer woody stem at the base and place in warm water.
CAMPANULA - Cut stem underwater and place in warm water to harden off. Remove past flower to encourage new buds to open.
CANTEBURRY BELLS - (Campanula) Sear cut end with a flame and place in warm water.
CARNATION - Cut stem between the nodes and place in warm water to allow it to open fully.
CHRYSANTHEMUM - Remove most foliage. Break stems ends and place in room temperature water to harden off.
CLEMATIS - Sear the ends of the stems, allow to stand in warm water 2-3 hours and do not allow petals to get wet.
DAHLIA – Place stems in very hot water for 20 seconds while protecting the flower heads from any hot steam. Immediately plunge stems into cool water.
DELPHINIUM - Cut stems on an angle, place in warm water and let sit over night.
DIANTHUS - Cut the stems between the nodes and place in warm water. Let them sit for several hours.
DOGWOOD - Crush woody stems with a hammer, place in warm water and let sit overnight to harden off.
DUSTY MILLER - Place stems in very hot water for 20 seconds and them plunge into cold water and allow them to sit for 3-4 hours to harden off.
ERYNGIUM - Sea Holly, Hammer as for woody stems and place in warm water.
EUCALYPTUS - Hammer as for woody stems and place in warm water.
EUPHORBIA - Cushion Spurge, Poinsettia, These plants have milky sap. Remove excess leaves and sear ends with a flame, place in room temp water.
FERN – Submerge in cool water
FEVERFEW – Chrysanthemum, Cut under water and let rest in warm water
FLOWERING WOODY BRANCHES – Smash ends of the branch with a hammer and place stems in warm water for several hours
FOX GLOVE – Cut underwater and let sit in room temp water over night
FREESIA – Cut underwater and then place in a container of room temp water in a cool location overnight
GARDENIA – Clean foliage and refrigerate leaves and flowers in a sealed plastic bag.
GLADIOLUS– Clean off dead bloom, cot under water and place in room temp water.
GLOBE THISTLE – Hammer woody ends and place in warm water
GRASSES – Condition and harden in a solution of 1T White Vinegar to 1 Qt. Water
HEATHER - Hammer woody stems and allow to harden in tepid water for several hours.
HELIOPSIS - Cut under water and harden off warm water for 3-4 hours.
HOLLY - Cut Holly and keep in a cool dry area. Do not place in water as leaves will tend to fall off.
HOLLYHOCK - Split ends of the Hollyhock, make sure that blooms and foliage are protected from the heat and steam, and then place in boiling water for about 15 seconds...immediately plunge into cool water and allow the stems to harden off in a dark room for at least 24 hours.
HOSTA - Submerge the entire leaf under water and allow it to stay for several hours.
IRIS - Cut stems under water and harden off in warm water.
IVY - (Hedera) Split or hammer woody stems. Submerge in water overnight.
JASMINE - Dunk stems in 1 inch of boiling water follow immediately by a cool water and allow to harden off
LADY’S MANTLE - Place freshly cut stems in room temp water and allow to sit for 2-4 hours
LARKSPUR - Place stems in a solution of 1 TBSP of alcohol per quart of water
LAMB’S EARS - Place in room temp water and let sit for 2-4 hours. Do not put any foliage underwater…trim accordingly
LENTEN ROSE - (Helleborus) Sear stem ends in boiling water and immediately place in a cool water bath over night
LIATRUS - Dunk ends into boiling water immediately followed by a cool water bath overnight
LILAC - Stems should be cut from the bush before they are fully opened 75% still in bud. Trim all foliage off. Hammer the ends of the stems and place in warm water and allow to rest over night.
MAGNOLIA - Hammer stems and allow to harden in warm water with flower food for 3-4 hours.
MARIGOLD - Tagetes Remove most foliage and all foliage below the water line. Place stems in room temp water with flower food for several hours.
MOCK ORANGE - Strip foliage and crush the woody stems. Allow to harden for several hours in room temp water with flower food.
MONKSHOOD - Allow stems to sit in room temp water with flower food for 3-4 hours
NASTURTIUM -Cut ends and place in warm water with Cut Flower Preservatives
NERINE - Cut ends and place in room temp water with Preservatives over night..
NICOTIANA – Cut ends and place in warm water with Preservatives
NIGELLA – Remove most foliage and place in room temp water with preservatives for several hours.
ORCHIDS - Cut stems on an angle and place in warm water and allow to stand for at least three hours.
PEONY - Cut buds when flower color begins to show. Remove all excess foliage. Place in warm water for at least three hours.
PHLOX - Crush the cut stems with a hammer or the clipper ends. Place in warm water and let stand for at least four hours.
PHYSOTEGIA - Cut stems at an angle and place in room temp water for three hours.
POINTSETTIA - Cut ends on an angle and sear with a flame to stop the flow of the milky sap. Place in tepid water and let stand for three hours.
POPPY - Cut ends on an angle and sear with a flame to stop the flow of the milky sap. Place in tepid water and let stand for three hours.
PRIMROSE - Cut stems and place in tepid water for three hours.
PROTEA - Split stems or hammer ends. Place in warm water for at least three hours.
PUSSY WILLOW - Hammer woody ends and place in tepid water. Stems may be dried to stop the growth of the catkins.
PYRACANTHA - Hammer woody ends and place in warm water for at least three hours.
QUEEN ANNE’S LACE - (Daucus carota) - Protect flower heads with paper to avoid wilting. Place stems in 1 inch of boiling water for 15 seconds and then immediately plunge into cool water. Allow the stems to sit in room temp water for several more hours.
RANUNCULUS - Remove all excess foliage and place in boiling water…follow steps for Queen Anne’s Lace (above).
RHODODENDRON - Crush woody stems with a hammer and place in very warm water to harden off for several hours.
ROSE - Remove all excess leaves and thorns. Cut stem on a sharp angle and place in warm water with flower preservatives and allow to harden off.
RUDBECKIA - (Coneflower, Black Eyed-Susan) Use Boiling water method as described for Queen Anne’s Lace flowers.
SALVIA – Remove most foliage and place in tepid water for several hours.
SCABIOSA – Remove foliage under the water line and let harden off by placing in warm water for several hours.
SEDUM – (Autumn Joy) Remove foliage from below the water line and allow to sit in tepid water for several hours.
SHASTA DAISY – (Chrysanthemum) Sear ends and then place in cool water.
SNAPDRAGON – Strip off all foliage below the water line. Ends may be split then place in warm water to harden off.
STAR of BETHLEHEM - (Ornithogalum) Place satems in deep warm water and allow to open.
STOCK – (Matthiola) Remove all excess foliage, crush stems and place in water with 1 tsp. bleach per gallon of water.
SUNFLOWER – Cut stems on an angle to expose more surface area nad place in deep warm water to harden off.
SWEET PEA – Remove foliage from under the waterline and place in tepid water for several hours.
SWEET WILLIAM – Remove excessive foliage. Crush stems and place in warm water for several hours.
SYRINGA – (Lilac) Remove most foliage. Hammer stem ends. Place in very warm water for 3-4 hours.
TANSY - Remove all excess foliage below the water line. Plunge stem ends into boiling water for 15 seconds and them plunge into cool water and allow to harden off for several hours.
THISTLE - Remove all excess foliage below the water line. Plunge stem ends into boiling water for 15 seconds and them plunge into cool water and allow to harden off for several hours.
TULIP - Cut off white stem ends. Wrap stems in newspaper to keep upright and allow to sit in tepid water for several hours.
VERBENA - Split stems and insert into boiling water for 10 seconds followed by a cool water bath. Allow to harden off over night.
VERONICA - (Speedwell) Allow to sit in tepid water overnight to harden off.
VIBURNUM - Crush woody stems with a hammer and allow to harden off in warm water for 3-4 hours.
WISTERIA - When cutting blooms...cut some woody stem growth. Put stem in alcohol for 5 seconds and allow to harden off in room temp water over night.
YARROW - Break stem ends and allow to harden off over night in room temp water.
YUCCA - Use boiling water followed by a cool water bath and allow to harden off over night.
ZINNIA - Remove all excess foliage and allow to harden off overnight. Re-cut ends before arranging.